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Introduction: These Driver Policies serves as a shorthand guide to ensure clarity and consistency in our operations. Please familiarize yourself with the following policies and guidelines to promote a safe, efficient, and respectful work environment.


  • Office Operations:

  • 1.1. Dispatch Office: Our virtual dispatch office operates 24/7, tracking trips from initiation to payment, with a well-networked computer system.

  • 1.2. Early Mornings: Drivers often start early, and our office handles calls outside business hours, addressing issues such as vehicle problems, missing paperwork, or D plate concerns.

  • 1.3. Invoicing: Invoices for completed trips must be submitted by 10 am local time the following day.

  • 1.4. Chasing Receipts: Our team ensures all necessary receipts and trip sheets are obtained from drivers to complete invoicing and resolve any missing information promptly.

  • 1.5. Photos: We collect and organize delivery photos to meet dealership, government, and archival requirements, ensuring accuracy and minimizing liability.  Photos are due IMMEDIATELY after delivery approval.  No exceptions.

  • 1.6. Chasing Stips: We follow up on any missing or incomplete documents required for a delivery, ensuring prompt resolution to ensure timely payment.  Drivers may be charged back for missing stips

  • 1.7. Receipts: Contractors must submit their receipts to the appropriate dealership for reimbursement. Our office facilitates the receipt submission process.

  • 1.8. Business Hours: Our team operates from 8 am to 6 or 7 pm, serving clients, handling dealership needs, and resolving any overlooked or misplaced tasks.

  • 1.9. Phone Calls: We prioritize communication and provide exceptional service to our clients, but keeping calls brief enables us to serve everyone efficiently.

  • 1.10. Bookings: The busiest period is from noon to 6 pm, as we handle trip bookings, sales calls, and coordinating logistics for efficient vehicle delivery.

  • 1.11. Hotels: We arrange hotel bookings to ensure contractors have comfortable accommodations in suitable locations for their next day's assignments.  Contractors are required to confirm their accomodations with the hotel as well as any deposit we need to make before 6pm CST.

  • 1.12 Drivers must have an up to date criminal record check and driver's abstract on file at Dispatch at all times.


  • Accounting and Payroll:

  • 2.1. Trip Files: Each trip is documented and archived with all relevant information, including photos, trip sheets, receipts, and invoices.

  • 2.2. Accounting Verification: A dedicated accountant ensures trip accuracy, proper expense allocation, and overall financial integrity of the business.

  • 2.3. Payroll: Trips that have been paid by dealerships are reviewed daily, and contractors are paid promptly based on the invoice and trip sheet information provided.

  • 2.4 Drivers will be charged back for any expenses they incurred, or we're incurred by Dispatch that isn't listed on their Trip Sheet.


  • Drop Box and After-Hours Procedures:

  • 3.1. After-Hours Drop Box: Contractors in cities with drop box facilities must submit their paperwork before 9 am for timely processing and dealership filing.

  • 3.2. Drop Box Fee: Failure to submit paperwork through the drop box within the specified timeframe may result in the addition of a drop fee or penalty for late drop.

  • 3.3. Communication: Contractors must inform our office when they drop off paperwork, ensuring we are aware and can complete the necessary steps to finalize the trip.


  • Ongoing Training:

  • 4.1. Info Lunches: We conduct information sessions with clients to showcase how our services can streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and increase sales.

  • 4.2. Benefits: These sessions aim to enhance client commitment, provide value-added services, and foster growth in our partnership.


  • Expanding the Business:

  • 5.1. Partnership Opportunities: We actively seek and develop new dealership partnerships to create more trip opportunities for contractors, leading to income security and growth.


  • Dealing with Drivers:

  • 6.1. Communication: We manage a high volume of calls from drivers daily, prioritizing urgent matters and ensuring timely responses to questions and concerns.

  • 6.2. Urgency Levels: We categorize urgency levels based on the nature of the issue, allowing us to allocate resources effectively and provide appropriate assistance.

  • 6.3. Red Alert: Immediate assistance is provided in critical situations such as accidents or life-threatening issues.

  • 6.4. High Priority: Inquiries related to deliveries in progress or customer interactions are addressed promptly.

  • 6.5. Medium Priority: Vehicle-related delays or other issues that can be resolved while allowing the contractor to continue their work are addressed.

  • 6.6. Low Priority: Non-urgent matters, including questions about future trips, payroll, or general issues, are handled within a few hours.

  • 6.7. Overnight Support: Our team operates 24/7, providing assistance to contractors driving during nighttime hours and addressing any issues that may arise. Please make sure that your questions, and inquiries are addressed during business hours as much as possible.


  • Breach of Conduct:

  • 7.1. Trade Secret: Our process is considered a trade secret, and contractors are expected to maintain confidentiality regarding all aspects of their engagement.

  •  7.2. Sharing Information: Sharing information from our process is strictly prohibited, and any breach of conduct may result in immediate termination of the relationship.

  • 7.3. Book Back Clause: Engaging in direct work with our clients without going through Dispatch will result in the contractor repaying all previous income received from that client.

  • 7.4. Code of Silence: Contractors must refrain from discussing trip details, transportation modes, customer information, referral fees, and any other aspect of their engagement with any unauthorized individuals including other sales people at the same dealership.

  • 7.5. Speeding: Contractors are strictlyexpected to adhere to speed limits and traffic regulations. Excessive speeding may result in fines and the loss of trip payment.

  • 7.6. Smoking/Vaping: Contractors are prohibited from smoking or vaping in vehicles and must adhere to designated smoking areas. Violation may result in fines and trip payment forfeiture.

  • 7.7 We have an absolute Zero tolerance policy for Alcohol, Cannabis and all illegal drugs and substances for all contractors while they are in possession of a dealership asset including paperwork, stips, vehicle, customer ID and confidential info, or while operating any motor vehicle owned or leased by Dispatch.


  • Equal Employment Opportunity:

  • 8.1. Commitment to Equality: Dispathc promotes equal employment opportunities, fostering diversity and inclusivity. Discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or any other protected characteristic is strictly prohibited.


Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to maintaining a positive and efficient work environment.


Tel: (204) 800 4800



Mon - Sat: 7am - 7pm CST

Please call for 24/7 Support


Routing and planning make efficient and cost effective trips for our drivers and your bottom line!


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Henry St.

Winnipeg, MB

© 2020 by Dispatch Automotive Delivery

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